Online vs. In-Person Learning

With the school year upon us, parents must make the difficult choice between online and in-person learning as in-person learning is available or becomes available in school districts throughout the region. Never did we think we would have to navigate these waters, but here we are. If you’re feeling stressed out, uneasy, unsure and teetering…

Primary Care vs Urgent Care

In recent years, the popularity of Urgent Care centers has grown rapidly. However, this increase in popularity raises important questions about their effectiveness and quality of care. Let’s compare the key differences between Urgent Care facilities and Primary Care medical practices. CONVENIENCE Urgent Care: Convenience is often the biggest selling point of an Urgent Care…

Keeping Your Resolutions

Resolution time is here! One of the most common New Year’s Resolutions is to lose weight and stay healthy. However, it is also one of the hardest to keep. Making changes in your day-to-day life can be difficult, whether you resolve to do so on January 1st or any other day of the year.  If…

Preventing Illness

Schools can be a battleground for germs. Our curious children are constantly exploring lands unknown, and acquiring many germs along the way. Keeping our children clean, and feeding them the right things, can help increase their defense against illness. Below are our tips for keeping your children healthy during cold and flu season. Tips Good Child…

What You Need to Know About the Zika Virus

The Zika virus has been widely discussed in every news outlet in recent months. The recent publicity begs the question: what do I need to know about this virus? Below we will answer common questions about the virus, how to prevent it, and how to get tested. What is the Zika Virus? Zika is a…