Educational Holiday Gift Ideas 2021

Toys: the silly four-letter word parents cringe at when they come between a clean room, a sibling argument or a holiday wish list that seems to be overflowing with all things T-O-Y. Although, as parents, we feel like toys are overtaking our living spaces at times, we do know that they play a vital role…

Understanding Anxiety Disorder in Children

Just like adults, a certain level of anxiety is normal. Whether they’re anxious about starting a new school or visiting the dentist, anxiety is a part of everyone’s life to some degree. From small instances of separation anxiety to fears of strangers and the dark, children experience many things that can make them anxious, especially…

Understanding a Nut Allergy

Whether your child has been diagnosed with a nut allergy or you’re just hoping to better understand one of the most common allergies among children, we are here to teach you some of the most relevant information.  These details will help you watch for signs and symptoms and effectively administer treatment in the instance that…

Responding vs. Reacting

We’ve all been there, during a particularly rowdy game of tag something in the house shattered. Now your child is staring at you in tears. Now what? Do you react or respond? While we may want to say we would respond, more often than not, it’s not that easy. When difficult things happen, we are…

Healthy School Lunch Ideas

It has long been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but when we think about nourishing our children, one fact trumps all else: feeding your child a healthy and balanced diet will provide all the vitamins and nutrients they need to grow and thrive in all aspects of their lives.…

Halloween Safety Tips for Kids

With Halloween just a few short weeks away, it’s the perfect time to reflect on some of the most important safety tips for this candy-filled and costume-doning holiday. With the COVID-19 pandemic still underway and affecting many states heavily throughout the country, the health of you and your children must be the top priority when…

Fall Activities that Keep Your Child Moving

Motivating your child to stay active can seem challenging when the weather cools down and the holiday season abounds. With school in full swing and extracurricular activities are added to a mile-long list of things to do, we can forget the importance of encouraging our children to get outside and get moving. For many, fall…

Car Seat Sizing 101

When it comes to our children’s safety in the car, it is up to us to ensure that we stay up to date on the rules and regulations of the road. The most optimal way to keep your child safe in the car is to use the correct car seat in the right direction. Car…