The Truth About Turkey

On Thanksgiving, a beautifully roasted turkey is the centerpiece of the meal. Turkey is Thanksgiving! However, the question remains: is turkey really healthier than beef? Unfortunately, the answer is not that simple. When cooked with its skin, the amount of saturated fat (bad fat) in poultry, is actually comparable to red meat. While removing the…

Healthy Thanksgiving-Themed Snacks

Gobble, gobble! Thanksgiving is just around the corner, which means: fun turkey themed snacks for you and your kids! During this hectic holiday season, it is easy to get carried away with parties and overeating. With these healthy snacks, you and your kids can fill up on the healthy things first, so you can enjoy without over-indulging.…

Responding vs. Reacting

Oh no! Red juice was just spilled all over your brand new white couch. Now, your 5-year-old is staring at you with big puppy dog eyes, bulging with tears. Now what? Do you react or respond? Although we all may want to say we would respond, sometimes its not that easy. When difficult things happen,…